Personal Injury Law Firm

Family Law

Your Family’s General

Family Law Firm


Family Law Areas of Practice

Lawyer Wm. Ryan Fowle, B.A., LL.B., understands that not all cases go to a courtroom and that is reflected in what he charges. Remember, he represents accident victims, not insurance companies. Fowle & Co is a small, family firm that will answer your call and provide the specialized attention you deserve.



Navigating the choppy waters of divorce proceedings can pose more challenging than most legal issues. Divorce changes the dynamic of your family forever which is a tough and emotionally sensitive area.

When dealing with divorce the Family Law Professionals at Fowle & Company have your best interests at heart and will walk with you to help ensure that the proceedings go as smoothly and painlessly as possible.


Separation Agreements

Divorce can have incalculable emotional effects on your family and come with financial implications that can make life uncomfortable. Before considering this final road many couples choose to exercise a Separation Agreement.

A Separation Agreement is simply a voluntary contract between a husband and a wife who wish to live separately. 


Spousal/Child Support

After a divorce the combined incomes that used to support one household will have to now support two separate homes. It is important that you speak to a lawyer who is experienced in Child and Spousal Support to get a firm understanding of how you will support yourself and your children in the instance of divorce.


Each Situation is Unique

It is important that you clearly understand your options and rely on an experienced team of Family Law Professionals before you agree to child support or alimony that you may not be able to afford. Fowle & Company will help guide you through the process and inform you as to how the law will be applied to your case as each instance of child or spousal support is entirely unique.


Child Custody

At Fowle & Company we know it’s important for a mothers and fathers to get the custody and visitation time they require to build and maintain strong ties with their children.

Decisions in child custody cases are based off the best interests of the child. Although it is not uncommon to see one parent receive sole custody it is more common that an arrangement is reached that involves both parents. In these instances it is unusual for the division to be split evenly or 50-50 and far more likely that one parent acts as the primary custodian while the other parent has predetermined visitation time.


Best Interests of the Child

Child custody cases can be an emotional process on any parent. It is important that you have an experienced family law representative present to ensure that your wishes and best interests are taken into consideration. Fowle & Company will work with you to obtain custody and visitation schedules that protect the relationship you have with your child. Fowle & Company can work with even the most complicated of cases such as helping fathers establish paternity in order to obtain the custody and visitation time required to build a lasting bond with their child.


Cohabitation Agreements

Cohabitation agreements are common amongst couples who live together but don’t intend to marry or are holding off marriage for the future. A cohabitation agreement defines how a couple who are living together would like to manage their assets in the event that the relationship ends. Having a cohabitation agreement in place will reduce the stresses that would be involved once the relationship terminates and the couples are left to sort out their assets.


Secure Your Legal Rights

In this modern era it is increasingly common for couples to choose to live together before taking on the commitment of marriage. This can have many benefits including saving money on rent and other bills. Having a cohabitation agreement in place can secure your legal rights especially if expectations from your former partner change once the relationship is terminated.

In more complex cases there can be requests of palimony by a former partner. Having a cohabitation agreement drawn up beforehand will significantly help or hinder that request depending on how the initial agreement was designed.


Marriage Agreements

Marriage agreements are becoming more common in todays’ society, especially among professionals seeking overall piece of mind. Even the best marriages have their ups and downs and by having the proper legal work in place prior to marriage a couple can focus on the marriage and each other while knowing the assets they brought into the marriage are protected by law.


Prenupital Agreements

A prenuptial agreement is simply a document signed prior to marriage outlining conditions to be followed in the event of a divorce. The same option is available to you if you are already married in the form of a postnuptial agreement. This legal document protects your assets in the same manner as a prenuptial agreement. Both documents are fairly detailed and require the skill and understanding of an experienced lawyer, such as the family law professionals at Fowle & Company.


Prenupital & Postnupital Agreements

Prenuptial and postnuptial agreements can vary in terms depending on the wishes of the couple. For example, in a standard case both couples could leave with the assets they brought into the marriage as well as an agreed upon division of the assets acquired during marriage. In a more complicated scenario, one person in the relationship could be entitled to a large inheritance. Should the marriage fail, a portion of the inheritance could be agreed upon for the individuals spouse either as a percentage or a specific sum.

Prenuptial and postnuptial agreements are very advantageous to protect the assets of children from previous relationships of either spouse. In situations of second, third and subsequent marriages, a pre or postnuptial agreement will ensure that children will be taken care of in the event of a divorce. If one spouse were to die and no prenuptial had been created, the child or children could be excluded and the assets would then go to the spouse.

At Fowle & Company we will simplify this process and walk you through step by step ensuring that your assets are divided as you see fit. Divorce is not a pleasant thought and no couple enters into marriage with divorce in mind, but with divorce rates as high as 50% across the country it is becoming a common decision to protect yourself and your assets at a time when things are stable and level headed.


Division of Family Property

Division of Family Property varies in every divorce. In marriage, spouses usually act as a unit when acquiring assets and debt and in divorce those assets must be divided up fairly and in accordance with the law.


Fowle & Company Asset Division

The Family Law Professionals at Fowle & Company have a wealth of experience in dealing with asset division. Wether it be the complex division of sophisticated financial portfolios, property or collectibles or a simple resolution, Fowle & Company can help reduce the stress and complexity of dividing the family assets.

Contacting Fowle & Company can be the first step in securing your financial future post divorce. We will clearly and concisely walk you through the process and work to ensure you have a firm understanding of all aspects of the division before anything is signed.


Let's Chat.

Use the form below to contact us regarding your legal enquiry. Please be as detailed as possible. Include your industry along with any specific document requests. To help us best service your enquiry, we recommend that you first describe the issue you’re having before telling us what you want to achieve. You may also email or call us to make an appointment.




1840 - 267 St.

Maple Ridge, BC

V2W 1N9

(by appointment only) 



Phone: (604) 476-2130

Toll free: 1 (800) 663-8996

Fax: (604) 476-2135